You had some good stuff and some dumb stuff. Mage was not immune to the phenomenon, though my love for the game is such that I tend to view it with slightly-rosier-than-usual glasses. Then they published Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand and it was all downhill from there. It taught the industry you could package ten pages of NPC write-ups, ten pages of superpowers the PCs can't have, and eighty pages of -grade exposition together, give it a quick desktop-publishing pass to randomize the fonts into illegibility, and sell it for a cool $25. But from 1992-2004 it was everywhere, and for that, I blame the success of Vampire: The Masquerade. Now, White Wolf wasn't the first company to do it – there are something like a million years of Shadowrun backstory, times two if you count its attempt to tie in Earthdawn.

I'm going to try to get the next one up before Friday, but no promises If I don't, I'm out of town Friday - Monday and it will probably be mid-next-week before the system reviews go up.
The closest things the Adepts use to actual titles are their online handles and the terms "elite" and "lame." The latter two are rather self-explanatory.Quick procedural note: These posts have been slowed by illness replacing a good percentage of the free time I had allocated to writing them with "sitting around being miserable and high on NyQuil". Any authority within the Tradition is based purely on what an individual Adept has accomplished. From square one, every Adept is regarded as a guerrilla soldier in the war against the restriction of information. Virtual Adepts The Adepts do not have a rank structure as such. Instead, they tend to describe what they are able to do instead of trying to fit things into a rigid framework of titles. Verbena Verbena tend to eschew formal ranking systems, and some outright ignore the Hermetic terms as well. Avery House Chairman of Etheric Chemistry and Engineering. This is also usually in regards to their home chantry, i.e. Sphere Masters are referred to as "Chairs" in the sense of Chairman or -woman of their given Sphere(s). While a Professor is roughly the equivalent of an Adept, the role is more geared towards a Mage willing and able to teach those less learned than himself (as the name implies). The border between a high-level Scientist and a Researcher is a fuzzy one, largely determined by how well the Etherite is regarded among his peers and superiors. Sons of EtherĪll Etherites are regarded as able to claim the title of Doctor due to their intense education into Science (though those that do not also hold mundane Doctorates are sometimes looked down on). Some argue they do this to keep outsiders ignorant of their true capabilities (others think they do it because they like fancy names). However, Hermetics are also known for coming up with incredibly grandiose and inscrutable titles for themselves and their works. Order of Hermes Being that they were the ones to strive for uniformity within the Council of Nine, the Hermetic terms for the various ranks are the ones described above and most widely used (or at least approximated). As one Euthanatos put it, there are only three ranks among them: Student, Member and Leader. Also, while Acarya usually are "high-ranked" mages (such as Masters), the only true delineation of their rank is that they have proven themselves before their Tradition to be trustworthy enough to not require supervision by a mentor and to take students of their own. A Shravaka (roughly analogous to an Apprentice or Initiate) becomes a Chela when they have learned either more than one Initiate-ranked Sphere, or advanced one to Disciple-rank. Terminology by Tradition Akashic Brotherhood All Akashics are referred to as "Brothers," regardless of gender.Ĭelestial Chorus Choristers are also frequently referred to by the term "Singers."Įuthanatos Euthanatoi are somewhat difficult to fit into a true rank structure. Many Traditions (though not all) have their own terms for these ranks, though practically all mages at least know the Hermetic terminology for convenience's sake. Many Traditions tie authority and responsibility to one's mystical knowledge, but this varies between groups and does not normally extend beyond one's own Tradition. Anyone with a 5th dot in a single Sphere is considered a Master, though sometimes this title is extended to include their specialties, such as Master of Correspondence and Entropy. All of the Traditions recognize a shared system of titles, originated and propagated by the Order of Hermes, where rank is determined by an individual mage's highest Sphere.